Saturday 23 November 2013

week 2 (client board,character board, inspiration board and dds) bride

week 2

in our 2nd week i made the client board, the character board and the inspiration boards for the bride. According to the client needs, the bride needed 2 outfits, a ghagra choli for the ceremony and an evening gown for the reception. Hence, 2 inspiration boards were made.  once the boards were ready, the design process began. Being an event designing module, even the accessories, fabrics, etc. had to be made alongside the designs.

client board...

character board...

inspiration board.....for afternoon ceremony



inspiration board...for evening reception



DESIGNING FOR EVENTS (week 1) research, boards and source book

week 1

In this module we were given the option of selecting 1 amongst 4 events, 
a budget wedding, big fat Indian wedding, premier of Ramleela and an award function.
amongst these, the event that i selected was the big fat Indian wedding.
the venue being Taj lake palace, Udaipur, i knew i had to make something exquisite and fairytail-ish.
i had to design for the bride, groom and the 2 bridesmaids. 

venue, wedding theme, client description and design inspiration

once the research was done, i made the venue board and the theme board. before starting with the designing i also had to make a trim book that consisted of the fabrics,the buttons, the tassels and the borders.

venue board

 theme board

source book...
the source book was basically putting together all the fabric swatches, buttons, trims, tassels, etc. that i had sourced during the designing process.